Public Profile


member since March 03, 2010


I make PGA…
I didnt make my name pokehero2 because pokehero was taken. I made it that so it would be the same as my youtube name.

I am currently improving the battle system in PGA so updates will be less frequent.
Im taking a break for a while.
Im going to improve the first 2 LiK comics.

Comics By pokehero2

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Comics Assisted By pokehero2

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Comics Recomended By pokehero2

For as long as both have existed, humans and the pokémon who accompany them have learned about themselves, the world, and each other by going on a journey (even if sometimes you have to be dragged along for the ride). The journey that begins with Bklcbkl (a naive human) and Nozo (an annoyed pikachu) leads to a grand intersection of journeys that will determine the fate of the future.

pokehero2's friends

  • Volte6
  • XM0stLyGhOstLyX
  • Epic Blaze

forum topics started

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Videos Shared By pokehero2

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Epic Blaze at 10:04PM, March 8, 2010 type that in and go find sprites

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