Public Profile
member since June 06, 2009
Favourite pastime: Drawing, browsing online, idling, sleeping, watching people, thinking about non-existent things…etc
Random likes: Funny people, seafood, sleeping, pastel colours, alternate/rock/indie/mellow music, mecha, chilly and cloudy autumn days, detective stories, tennis and art…
Random dislikes: Loud noise, impulsive people, bugs, deadlines etc
Favourite food: Chicken, instant noodles, seafood
Random likes: Funny people, seafood, sleeping, pastel colours, alternate/rock/indie/mellow music, mecha, chilly and cloudy autumn days, detective stories, tennis and art…
Random dislikes: Loud noise, impulsive people, bugs, deadlines etc
Favourite food: Chicken, instant noodles, seafood
Comics By paru_sama
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Comics Assisted By paru_sama
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Comics Recomended By paru_sama
A story about love and perseverance between a noblewoman separated from her lowly warrior, amidst a backdrop of a neo-classical Japan under invasion from spider mecha. Artwork by Sonia Leong, story by Lloyd Prentice.
A Funky,Funny And Romantic Love Story You've Never Seen Or Heard About...
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