Public Profile


member since September 09, 2007


Name: Alex
Age: Most likely younger than you.
Location: Either in front of my computer or at the zoo
Grade: Everything but a senior.
Likes: Procrastinating, coding, drawing, not sharing her drawings, Base Ball Bear, Ellegarden, music, downloading, Asian Dramas, frappucinos
Dislikes: Procrastinating, not sleeping, politics, adults, being in love with a robot
Goal in life: Have a million babies and cure cancer.

I draw, but I dont bother putting my stuff up. Im Faithies fiancee, but Im cheating on her with another woman and a man younger than me. Please, steer to the right when walking past me in the hallway and no flash photography.

Occupation: Faithies HTML to-go person.
Note that I have no formal training in doing web design, I just taught myself how to manipulate codes about 5 years ago and now I just…make layouts…and stuff.

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novemberwind's friends

  • Volte6
  • webcomics heh
  • Lucarioman_EXE
  • Faithie

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