member since December 12, 2006
its May 13.
Im in strat class and just realized i forgot all about perfct score… i do plan on updating it again soon…. what would all of you think of a yaoi comic??? of mine, i mean? anywho….
olivia just made a pic of me on pasint. the resemblance is amazing… although i am not pink and my legs are not double jointed. and my hair isnt purple. yay for final exams!
I have an AP exam on thurs. im gunna die. dun relly care. i just am. (history)
February 6th!!!!!
Im in Strategies for success, where they make you do pointless things and you just kinda chill. Its fun. im next to steph and the FABULOUS olivia. courtesy of olivia.
so im done with my project and im just chilllllinnnnnn!
i think ill start updating perfect score again sometime soon…. check out my comic im drawing in my assisted comics- Wonderland. its pretty cool so far!
Novmber 12~ wow…. is it relly 1:04 in the morning, or are my eyes making the page spin? meh. either way, its late. Ive decided to put some pictures back on. YAAAAAY. since all my frends know this is me n e ways. yeah. so how about my stupid comic drove me insane which forced me to put it on hiatus and now i started to continue drawing it and god i hope it ends soon.
it will.
anywho, me:

god my face is terrifying.
sept 22~!
i decided to take my pics off… cuz i dont want my friends topping by or sumfin gay like that.
yeah… so since i last updated this, i joined the swim team. it was ridiculously hard. i quit, cuz my mind started rejecting it. nausia and headaches and shit. so now i was so happy to b able to quit that i actually drew 3 whole pages. i now have 69 pages WITH fillers. DOESNT THAT ROCK???? bies i gtg now!
june 25th~!
ehhh… im going strawberry picking today!!! *yeeeeeesh* my bro graduated two days ago….. which is great….. we had a small party…. then we went to a friends grad. party on sunday… now Im no expert, but dont you think a moon bounce and a rented tent plus the catering and 50+ guest is a bit overboard?
dont get me wrong. The moon bounce? yeah. fricking funn. but honestly, a massive blow up house that you can jump around in for an 18 year olds grad party? well, at least we made good use of it… the adults got to go in without kids for about 15 mins, and teens were considerred adults, so we had SO MUCH FUN! one person jumps, falls, knocks sum1 else over, who knocks some1 else over…. who knocks ect ect ect until no one is standing n e more and we are all sliding towards the heaviest corner until we touch the ground, people freak out and find the strength to stand up again, or crawl out of the sink hole. yeah…. now imagine half the party inside this sink hole being over the age of 30. Scary thought. I popped out my knee cap again after that BITCH FROM MY SOCCER GAME POPPED IT OUT AND TWISTED MY ANKLE but i was actually pretty fine.
speaking of soccer, i have prac. today. i hope no one remembered…. i dun wanna go… theyre all mean to me, cuz they think im emo and they are afraid of emo people. i am NOT emo, btw.
june friggn first…..
har dee har har
wings melody is off histus, so pleez oblige dani and i and go click on the pretty link…. mkkkkkays? gtg now…. bro wants on…..
mother trucke…. $#!tty day at skewl today…
bros frend is a dickface…. gtg….
^^^and a hentai addict…. he may have commented on some of ur comix….
may 29, 2007
anyhow, i think i wanna learn how to digitally edit my pictures on the comp…. that would so totally rock my socks off…..
right…. about me…. i
Comics By nonnymouse
- Fantasy |
- 17 pages |
- last: July 6 2011 |
- Fantasy |
- 81 pages |
- last: July 6 2011 |
Comics Assisted By nonnymouse
- Romance |
- 35 pages |
- last: July 7 2011 |
- Fantasy |
- 9 pages |
- last: July 6 2011 |
Comics Recomended By nonnymouse
Mikoto Masaru thinks he's perfect. When a new boy, Migoto Aki, gets more attention then he does, he decides the two of them are rivals. Aki on the other hand, doesn't want attention from anyone, exept from Masaru, who's ignoring him... shounen-ai =3
Yaoi/shounen-ai Kurt has many problems: he can never keep a boyfriend, he's got two personalities, and he keeps losing his wallet. Incurable, huh? Ethan thinks he can be Kurt's cure...and more.
Kane is a pretty normal 16 year old boy, who got adopted when he was 6. After an incident between his brother and him, he decides to live on his own, but just when he thinks he can live a normal life, things get even more strange. *shounen-ai, maybe yaoi*
Shekumiko sensei and Daniel are suddenly living in Kira's house These two now work in protecting her...but is Daniel doing more than protecting her? Is he in love?!(DUN!Dun..dun..) Check it if you wanna...
The story of a girl who, despite having black magic in her blood, wants to realise her dreams and fulfill a childhood promise.
Ugh, description later >>;;;
Even in a magical world, unexplained phenomena can happen. That's where Eredicus, Aries and their colleagues come in. They explore the paranormal in a world of fantasy, mythical creatures, and strong magic.
Little Kanoni and her brother, Yue, live in a small village that is plagued with a deadly disease. After the two bury their older sister, unknown intruders come to take Kanoni away. Brother and sister must be reunited by the Harvest Moon...
Princess Natsumi, as she calls herself, is searching for 4 deputies to help her put a stop to the plans of two rogue agents. As crazy as her story sounds, Soichiro, Akira, Tetsuya, and Koutarou join her and enter a world of espionage and silliness.
16-year-old Colin Cooper has just received a rejection letter from the school of her dreams. What can a girl do in such a moment of bare desperation?! Plan to reapply as a boy, of course. [Reads from left to right~]
Based off of the Greek Mythological Story of Persephone and King Pluto. This story tells of Love and how the winter season came to be. This comic is being REPOSTED (from the cover page until ch3.pg10). Beyond are all recently drawn, new pages. Enjoy~
Socom 7 is a space story. It's about 2 star pilots, Starbuck and Jaxon. On top of that their shuttle is always in danger of being attacked by the Meciniods.
Andrea failed. That's all there was to it. She would retake a year of ninth grade and be behind all her friends. But Andy is willing to go to desperate measures to prevent this. Even crossdressing, in this romantic gender-bender. (short story)
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sonic2005 at 5:19PM, Aug. 28, 2007
ok who told you about that a gay baby is born whenever there is a awkared silence. my friend started that well at least to yell gay baby when that happens so whenever that happens yell gay baby form now on
sonic2005 at 5:12PM, Aug. 28, 2007
thanks. man i need a drink
sonic2005 at 11:04AM, Aug. 21, 2007
nothing much just chilling. man i need to find something to do i mean you went to some cool places me nothing.
sonic2005 at 12:17PM, June 25, 2007
gratz on your final i knew you would do well at it
sonic2005 at 6:10AM, June 17, 2007
so how you did on your test or do you still have to take it
sonic2005 at 11:53AM, June 4, 2007
i'll add pics to my thing at the end of the school year kay
sonic2005 at 5:13PM, June 3, 2007
you only look like a vampire in the last one with red eyes
sonic2005 at 6:43PM, June 2, 2007
whoa you look hot. nice pics, great comic and your last pic makes you look evil like a vampire or somthing.
end_game at 5:38PM, May 31, 2007