Public Profile


member since August 08, 2007


hello. the only thing any one would need to know about me is that i love comic books. especially superman. i want to be a penciler for DC Comics (or Marvel Comics). Thats preety much it. bye. 411Kltpzyxm! poof!

by the way, i just finished getting caught up in all my favorite comics archives!

Comics By mxyzptlk114

No comics.

Comics Assisted By mxyzptlk114

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Comics Recomended By mxyzptlk114

If you like your super-heroes will a super-sized order of french-fried funny, then FantastiTeam is the comic for you. If, on the other hand, you like well-plotted, well-drawn comics that seek to advance the medium... Sorry.

The Heroes Unite #2: The mysterious force that has seiged New Rossco city have revealed themselves to the heroes, but with their leader, Tazer, defeated. They have only one course of action that they can take. Retreat...if they can. Story by: Spudsy - Artwork by: Nepath

Three soldiers of the evil and secretive society "The Caste of the Blue Sun" are inexplicably betrayed and posture themselves to discover the truth behind such treachery. Zoya, Toro, and Cutter begin anew in future world of undead, dragons and magic.

When the Beast leads the mob, and the Hunchback has his own food chain, you know you're in Fantasy Land. Headless and Pinoccio team as a pair of wise cracking, balls-to-the-wall hitmen that will do the job (if the money's right).

Retake follows the adventures of Brad Stone, world-famous actor, as he starts down his path as Relik, a dark superhero with a past shrouded in mystery!

Champagne comedy served in two half pints. The completely random adventures of Campbell and Henderson. *WARNING - may contain zombies, aliens, acorns, jellyfish, anti cloud sentiments and possibly a punchline or two.

The Order -- The Seven Pillars of Freedom. The Galaxy's Greatest Gathering of Superheroes! Silver Age Superhero Adventures in a Digital Age format!

When the city's heroes vanish on a mission, five teenagers must ban together to become Eastgate's newest defenders! When The Hero Force goes off-world to battle The Unified Mind, the responsibility of defending the city is left to these young heroes.


mxyzptlk114's friends

  • frankbyrns
  • Volte6
  • PaulTMorgan
  • lapaix
  • ProfessorF
  • SympleSymon
  • joeyjarin

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Videos Shared By mxyzptlk114

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SympleSymon at 3:02PM, Jan. 30, 2008

Thanks for the add - Retake starts mid-Feburary!

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