member since October 10, 2006
I love talking. I am just crazy like that. Well anyway if theres anything else you wanna know do be afraid to ask me. But I am only kidding.;) or am I.. BAHAHAHAHA!! Update: Sept27 2007
hey guys sorry I havent uploaded in awhile there is a very good reason for this. I recently was in the hospital. I have lost the use of my right hand at the moment so I cant really draw. I am in Rehab to get it better as well as my right leg so I am hoping to get something up with in the next few months. thank you that is all!
Comics By mjm
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- 5 pages |
- last: July 6 2011 |
- Fantasy |
- 2 pages |
- last: July 6 2011 |
- 1 like
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Comics Recomended By mjm
{STORY \ Bruno Cotting {ILLUST \ Viviane {READING \ from left ---> to right [occidental] {GENRE \ Mystery, Thriller
A blind elven assassin out to prove himself to the world ... and himself.
Things haven't been going well for Tom. His girlfriend's dead, he's a criminal, and he's discovered latent fire-bomb powers. What to do, what to do? Sounds like the perfect time to join a covert organization of political assassins! By Kristen Gudsnuk
no description
Roommates are never easy. These roommates are never normal. How do you manage when you live in a house with a vampire, a ghoul, a medium, and a werewolf. Oh, and the naked ghost.
A variety of short story comics that you don't have to force yourself to catch up with the storyline.
Cajun-spiced, hot-n-heavy, dark-n-deadly, supernatural science fiction goodness in every ever-lovin' spoonful.
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JoeyOtaka at 2:31PM, May 15, 2007
Oh come now, thats not old! XP ^^ silly person. << 72 is old XP
JoeyOtaka at 2:00PM, May 14, 2007
Lol Kris XD ^^; Anywho! yeah, you said do be afraid to ask... but meh, i'm not afraid XP ^^; how old are ya anyway? o.O
Kristen Gudsnuk at 10:27PM, May 12, 2007
hey thanks for friending me Mandy!!! haha your profile says "Well anyway if theres anything else you wanna know do be afraid to ask me." *is afraid* hehehe