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member since November 11, 2007


im artistically deficient so i read the artists work here

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The story of Angel Witch Pita is about a classically average, unspectacular young woman who comes across a book that, upon reading an incantation inside of it, releases dozens of monsters and incubi and succubi that had been sealed within it over a century ago. She is then contracted by a winged pig named Buhi, who claims that he is a cherub in training, to find those she's released and stop them from harming mankind. He empowers her with his halo, giving her an angelic appearance and the power to call upon an angel form. As her adventures progress, she collects an Incubus in child form named Jinx (who is really the leader of all of those from the book) and a Succubus named Beliel. She initially believes herself to be a type of magical girl, but the truth is far darker, and far deeper than she could ever imagine.

The Island of March is a peculiar place for it's divided in half by a chalk line. One side of the island is populated by regular people, led by the wealthy merchant Sliced Hamm. On the Other Side however it's a different Story: pirates, lead by Nino Magliani, a mysterious tribe, a dissatisfied poet, Machiavelli's grandson and a bouquet of strange characters make life incredibly chaotic for Nino's daughter, Roxanne and her best gay friend Errol. But Roxanne has a plan to make the chaos stop, stipulate a peace treaty between the People and the Pirates, constantly at war. It all seems to work, until the owner of the island comes back.

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Chernobog at 12:21PM, Jan. 12, 2011

Thanks for your perusal of Schizophrenia Bloom. I appreciated the comments. :)

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