Public Profile


member since July 07, 2008


likes:naruto hanging out with eeveemegaman and sonic and high powered explosives

dis likes stupid people my brothers and people correcting me and elmo and barney .and remember ART IS A BANG. also im from germany so please dont attack me for my english spelling or grammer

Comics By marineman611

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Comics Assisted By marineman611

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Comics Recomended By marineman611

Well, this is my Sonic Sprite Comic. It's supposed to be a Sonic X comic style but then I thought how much people hate Chris (me included) so it's kind of Sonic X without Chris & co. (YAY)

Brought to you by the FOX network, it's Feeling Rushed!! Starring Sonimy and Shadow.

Sonic and Tails have grown bored of living in the country and have decided to move to the city, at least that's what Sonic decided. Warning: Contains Magi, demonic landlords, a crazy green guy, and suffering, lots and lots of suffering.

Sonic's on college... WITH SHADOW AS HIS ROOMMATE?! (this story is not in Another Sonic Comic's Storyline)

It's simply Sonic the Hedgehog... only funnier :P


marineman611's friends

  • XNinjaRed
  • saria
  • Rentorian
  • slayer the hedgehog
  • Volte6
  • soulcelshade
  • eeveemegaman

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Videos Shared By marineman611

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