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member since March 03, 2009


Die? Dont you know? Spartans never die!

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Lets be friends! YOOM TAH!

Comics By lostspartan117

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Follow the story of the Master Chief as he takes on the ruthless Covenant and the all-consuming Flood.
  • Fantasy |
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Read the title.

Comics Assisted By lostspartan117

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Comics Recomended By lostspartan117

This comic is so grease monkey

CIDP is an exercise in absurdity. Contains: Zombies, dinosaurs, and abundance of mustaches, slam dancing Abe Lincoln, poop jokes, fantastically ugly people and everything in between! Sure to delight, offend or Amuse!

It's Mario! He's living in a paper world! Woo! This comic has never been in Spanish...

A heroic quest of frienship and hardship and other kinds of ships.

A silly comic about Mario and Luigi's "real" jobs as plumbers.

Please Insert Humor follows the hilarious daily exploits of Mick, Frizz, Jeff, and all their fellow stickmen (and stickwomen!). It's fun for the whole family. Oh, and orphans too!

Join May, a beginning trainer, and her two new friends, Hayley and Taylor, as they travel through the Kanto region in hopes of May fulfilling her dream of becoming a Pokemon Coordinator Master!

Being a noob in an MMORPG isn't easy. Watch this guild rise the ranks and become a serious group of veteran players. No, they never will, because they can't do anything right.

Stick Figures do things. Brevity.

A comic as I define it. Wont you please join me in my decent into madness?

SUPAH NARIO BROTHERS! it's like naruto but it's not. it's more like mario, but not really. it's just...oekaki parody crap! as seen at

sprite comic on mega man or Megaman or rockman battle network. Most of the custom sprites are by me. It is the story of a new criminal organisation called the Delettion against Mega man and his friends and a new do-gooders organisation called the Moon.


lostspartan117's friends

  • Volte6
  • pwn3d
  • warefish
  • XM0stLyGhOstLyX
  • Souljah001

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Videos Shared By lostspartan117

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warefish at 6:51PM, May 16, 2009

You're welcome. ;)

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