member since November 11, 2007
Check out my art! Lily the succubus commands it! :)
Comics By lastcall
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Comics Assisted By lastcall
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Comics Recomended By lastcall
Why light a candle when you can curse the darkness?
Two adorable little marshmallow bunnies, Nu and Me are always on the watch for new exciting adventures and sugary delights to eat~!!
Champagne comedy served in two half pints. The completely random adventures of Campbell and Henderson. *WARNING - may contain zombies, aliens, acorns, jellyfish, anti cloud sentiments and possibly a punchline or two.
The artist uses cute teddy bears to express her daily thoughts, feelings, and pains. You'll laugh. you'll cry. You'll donate a kidney.
Simon is just your average Southern California slacker, coasting through life with no direction. One night he is visited by a mysterious being who drags him into a life of adventure... whether he wants it or not.
Wrigley Barnes can't keep a job to save his life. But he often has to LOSE a job to save it!
lastcall's friends
forum topics started
- "Last Call" fan art!
- "Last Call" Extras Page
- 'Last Call' Cast of Characters!
- DD iPhone app?
- I need Facebook friends!
- Drunk Duck: reputation
- 2009 Harvey Awards: Let your voice be heard!
- Chevy Volt: the 230-MPG electric car
- Last Call: Guest Artist request
- Wikipedia vs. Webcomic Wiki
- An Ode to Chik-fil-A
- Question
- ROWE (Results Only Work Environment)
- What happened to Top Drawer?
- Estelle Getty dead at 84
- Happy Anzac Day!
- Starbucks tests the $1 "short" brew
- Happy Blue Monday!
- I'm back!
- Who has MySpace?
- chat channel
- Hello!
Videos Shared By lastcall
No videos.
maritalbliss at 2:24PM, Nov. 18, 2008
And now, we're friends. (Please imagine the best Doc Holiday/Val Kilmer drawl...since so much is lost in translation.) Loved your comic girl...and your yummy yummy Goblin King dream. If you karaoke at all...and are ever in got a sidequest waitin' to happen.
Nicol3 at 3:42PM, Feb. 29, 2008
I LOOOVE that comment you posted up on my crappy comic. It's definatley the best comment ever posted on DrunkDuck.. like.. ever. Thanks. :P
ShadowDion at 7:05AM, Nov. 7, 2007
that's for the add, i love the 'rejected' video on your profile
Rutger at 1:38PM, Nov. 6, 2007
Hey there! Thanks for the add... My, those look heavy...
Short_Circuiting at 2:49AM, Nov. 6, 2007
hi, what's up my homey? :D
Sidwarrious at 6:54AM, Nov. 5, 2007
Thanks for the add. I'll read yours if you reads mine ^__^. Oh and why not put the pages you did do of Pooky and Piggy up?