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member since May 05, 2007


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It's about friends living in a cabin in the woods! Nobody living here is even human-- and the ones that were, abandoned that nonsense long ago. There's also some kind of political and cosmic conflict brewing just beyond their doorstep, in the magical forest lands of Kellwood, but they're trying not to be involved in all that. Too bad some folks are just going to insist on dragging them into it whether they like it or not!

Alicka and her little brother Winston are sent to Winkerkill Boarding School. The number one dumping ground of unwanted troubled teens. A miniature Gormenghast filled with bad seeds and black sheep.

Sarah is a fairly ordinary person who just wants to lead a quiet life but seems to have a habit of getting herself into extremely complicated situations! Contains themes of an LGBT nature.

jellysoda's friends

  • Volte6

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