Public Profile


member since September 09, 2009


Wow I sure have been around for a while, uh hello everyone! I recently began thinking of working on a side comic project since I'm officially stuck at home for a bit, so I'll see how it goes

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Random adventures of three dangerous teens.

Demon prince Arron has been ejected from his own kingdom and awakens to find that everything has changed. Now traveling with the mysterious Cervantes, he seeks to set everything back to normal. Or to whatever he wants.

Erase 90% of your work and keep drawing until it's right. What good is a pile of junk if it's not art? Shut up.

Some kids go around catching Pokemon. Generic plot, right? Wrong... maybe...

A girl is teleported into Ratchet's world after a...shocking incident, and is stuck there until she can find a way home. Oh, and there's the fact that she's the one who says that he's nothing more than a videogame character in her dimension.

Rated bizarre for: monsters, zombies, cannibalism, school girls, unrequited love (with a vengeance), government conspiracy, chocolate bunnies, angels vs. demons, all that with a limb or two to spare.


informus's friends

  • The Satoshi
  • kitty17
  • Volte6
  • Ice Lord Zire
  • osakilina
  • Twighlight_Uprisings
  • faulkzilla
  • Castle Pokemetroid

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