Public Profile


member since May 05, 2007


Age: 21, with a few years experience
Location: Hippy Capital of the World, Australia

This comic has been a long time coming. Ill be quite impressed with myself if I actually post the first strip. Ill be astonished if I actually keep it up.

My inspirations in the comic sphere would have to be Aeire, JB, Jhonen Vasquez, Roman Dirge and Jonathon Mathers.

Comics By gothelin

  • Real Life |
  • 0 pages |
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Some creatures are more evil than others. The most evil is unequivocally the cat. Some cats are more evil than others. I understood that. But why, oh why did I have to get their Queen??

Comics Assisted By gothelin

No comics.

Comics Recomended By gothelin

Black & white & cute all over. The story of how pandas became they way they are. And other animal folk tales.

The concept of luck was sentenced to walk the Earth as a human. She doesn't know why. But she's not alone. Meet Marlin Sainlevie, owner of a massive corporation and the man-made galaxy it controls. He's evil incarnate - and Luck's only hope.

gothelin's friends

  • Redemption
  • marine
  • joerocks1981
  • Volte6
  • Evil_Snuffkin
  • SilverWordz
  • F_Allen

Videos Shared By gothelin

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SilverWordz at 5:48AM, June 4, 2007

Where's the hippy capital of Australia, and when are we going to see your first strip? :) Thanks for all the support you've given me on my panda story. :)

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