Public Profile


member since June 06, 2006



other names: heartless1991, Zach


ME date:12/18/1991

sex: boy

likes: manga, web comics, video games, math, t.v., larxene, mudkip53 aka butthead aka my bro

dislikes: barbys, spelling, people who dont give you steff they promise you, mudkip talking in my ear, pepel like jef dam, frist prson shoters, halo

famliy: big bro to mudkip53

school: 10th grade

fav movies: saw 1, 2,3,4,and 5; spider-man 3; silent hill; alien vs predator; terminator 2 and 3; south park the movie

fav shows: terminator; x-play; friends(what? its good!); famley guy

fav games: zelda, megaman, pokemon, mario, kirby, and soinc

game to movies ive seen: mario:2 bad, silent hill:4 good, tomb raider:3 so-so, hitman:4 good

side: mr. riot

games i beat: froger; both zelda for 64, wind waker too; mario 64 and ds; too meny sonic and kirby games; both DBZ: LoG games for gba (lol ;)); spiderman,super smash bros. MELA; all star fox games; paper mario; and toy story 2.also alot more i cant name now :( .

comics i like the alot: Doodles In Time, Kingdom Hearts Bloooopers, Tony The Hedgehog, Super Mario Super Comic, Sprited in Real Life.

dateing: no one

pepel to look out for:
Shippo_no_Neko:the one who helped me out with my comic and first girl in the comic.
Rayqui:new friend,assiting in my comic, and bringer of the random madness
darkhamsterlord:long time friend(about 2 years) who is on youtube. has a website. vist at
mudkip53: is now on youtube with me on one username. he now gos by gamekid.

hey look at this i found on the internet.

Comics By gamemaster

  • Fantasy |
  • 20 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
A comic about random things.

Comics Assisted By gamemaster

No comics.

Comics Recomended By gamemaster

Banjo and Kazooie have some new adventures... Without vehicles.

When the annonynimity of screen names is threatened, two guys who...well...never really cared for eachother to begin with wage an epic battle to decide the fate of internet geeks everywhere...The Drunk Duck Civil War!

Finished! "When all the elements are united can the digital world be saved." Takeshi, Hitoshi and other chosen children enter the deep layers of the digital world where they encounter a former friend. Now they must fight her to save the world.

A bunch of Digimon living together. Comedy happens. Digimon is owned by Bandai. Sprites were provided by Sketch, Zapchu, and Daisy of the Wolves.

A cute magical girl comic (in color!) about a girl named Chibi! And all of her little friends. And they have magical items! And Fight bad guys! Weird, spazzy humor with lost of color and cute things! Yeah! Whoo!

Brought to you by the FOX network, it's Feeling Rushed!! Starring Sonimy and Shadow.

The bits and pieces fo life about a group of college students who play games.

A gamer comic from a girl's point of a view.

I'm bored so I thought I would make this comic randomly happen

Sprite based comic, with original sprites! For real. Updated irregularly, but usually once or twice a week.

an advenchur of random ppl going to randome places for no random reason. will update once a week min.

First comic..EVA! sorta-bad at humor, dont blame me. The sprites, as you can obviosly see are from Kh Chain of memories. Have fun reading!

While trying to protect the powerful crystal, Ribbon breaks it and crashes on Pop Star, where she meets Kirby! This is my human Kirby 64 fancomic! Enjoy!

A remake of my old comic, Kirby Supah Star

Life's been tough for Blaze. She's had to seal a being of pure destruction in herself, and then seal HERSELF in another dimension. When she's given a way out and back to our world, things...get interesting. This is her story. This is her legacy.

no description

A silly comic about Mario and Luigi's "real" jobs as plumbers.

You've seen the world through the eyes of the fastest thing alive Sonic The Hedgehog. But let's see how different life is with Mobius' very own Amy Rose!

Take a group of the video game characters and have them roam the universe, have reality be a program on a laptop belonging to an imp creature, and you'll have Mixed Bag Comics. (And yes, if it's not obvious, this IS a sprite comic)

what happens when the beloved hero of the mushroom kingdom is murdered, and some one is hired to find out who did it.

The randomness from Nintendo games is shown in this one-liner comic. Many Nintendo games are shown, Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Warioware, and other awesome games made by Nintendo. There will not be licensed nintendo games in the comic. Enjoy the randomess

The World of NUL, taking Video Game Endings To a New Level. The Legend of Zelda, Sonic the Hedgehog, The Mario Bros. and many MANY more video games shall come together in this Epic Adventure. Now: On Hiatus. Hope to be back SOON! -May 2011-

Mario and Link and Metroid save the princess and who knows what else? They are the Super Squad and nothing can beat them!

The story of two fellows who are destined to blow up the ocean or die trying.

The discolored PoKeMoN have always been hunted as trophies. Now a discolored Larvitar named Flint, with a few friends, forms an underground society of discolored PoKeMoN! Updates each Saturday around 3:00 PM.

A Pokemon and Mario crossover comic, leaning more towards the Pokemon aspect. The Mario Bros. are traveling the Pokemon world, with the help of four other trainers, as they try to rescue the kidnapped Princess. Is there more to this than meets the eye?

For as long as both have existed, humans and the pokémon who accompany them have learned about themselves, the world, and each other by going on a journey (even if sometimes you have to be dragged along for the ride). The journey that begins with Bklcbkl (a naive human) and Nozo (an annoyed pikachu) leads to a grand intersection of journeys that will determine the fate of the future.

this is a test, but it could be more! (perhaps)

Sonic's on college... WITH SHADOW AS HIS ROOMMATE?! (this story is not in Another Sonic Comic's Storyline)

If you can't tell by the title this is a sprite comic. You need a kick in the ass.

SUPAH NARIO BROTHERS! it's like naruto but it's not. it's more like mario, but not really. it's just...oekaki parody crap! as seen at

The Ghostly spirit has taken control of Bowser and it's up to Mario and Luigi to save the Mushroom Kingdom from destruction.

A "Nintendo's Untold Legends" Spin-off featuring the bizarre universe Takira has found and has made her vacation home... Until her friends (and some annoyances) show up.

A comic about random things.

As the hit movie Toy Story showed, toys are indeed living beings which only come alive when no-one is around. But not every bunch of toys are like the ones in Toy Story. These are real toys, WITH REAL PROBLEMS. Like extraterrestrial invasions, for one.

A tale how Amy, hocked up with Rouge.


gamemaster's friends

forum topics started

No topics.

Videos Shared By gamemaster

No videos.




Lucarioman_EXE at 2:26PM, Jan. 24, 2008

thanks for the add!

maskedmonkey at 12:40PM, Dec. 15, 2007

check out Random Funny Stuff! And thanks for the add!

soulcelshade at 3:12PM, Dec. 6, 2007


zealotjohn at 11:13AM, Nov. 17, 2007

sweet a new friend!!

Chaz McRich at 6:10PM, Oct. 19, 2007

Thanks for the add chum!

corbin at 4:45PM, Aug. 26, 2007

how it's going

vgman at 8:45PM, Aug. 9, 2007

I just realized that you have me added and I dont have you added. fixing it now.

twinsayne77 at 3:31AM, Aug. 7, 2007

Yo man whats happening I'm sending an invite to the few people on my friends list if they would want a character in my new comic "Inside joke" Comment back if you accept (and make your character with realistic features and easy to draw things on them)

Nightmare Zero at 8:53AM, July 17, 2007

Nice profile. Chesk out mine as well as my story Crest Holders.

mudkip53 at 10:37AM, June 19, 2007

bro, you are weird but I'm weird too.

vgman at 5:59PM, June 18, 2007

wow, so you can still name all the games that you have beaten. let me know when you lose count :P. (just kidding)

dark link at 2:59AM, May 19, 2007

thanx for the add

F_Allen at 12:10PM, May 8, 2007

cheers for the add :D wheres the randomness ;)

Ayres at 5:03AM, May 6, 2007

I want to see your comic!!!

Ayres at 3:09AM, May 2, 2007

Thanks so much for the add (I added you back) :P I was pleasantly surprised to see Fading Roses as one of your recommended comics :) Thanks again!! <3<3

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