Public Profile
member since August 08, 2007
Hi, my name is Jim im 30 and from sunny Birmingham England. My main influences for doing comics are 1) Hollywood movies of which Leon is my favourite - incidentally which i only watched as research for my Headhunter comic (because i needed to learn some of the lingo) hence the round John Lennon sunglasses which my main character Jordan Hunter always wears. My seccond influence is women, not just any women but strong minded ones. Being raised by one myself, i have a great deal of respect for them and It amazes me what they put themselves through and they still come out on top. And i tend to put a lot of strong women in my stories, i only caught myself doing it a couple of years ago. But what the hell - theyre a little easier on the eye arent they?. At the moment of writing this - oct 08 i am currently doing a course on photoshop, so hopefully sometime shortly after dhristmas i should be able to put up some half decent colour pages on drunkduck instead of just using pen and ink. Anyway i do hope you enjoy reading what ive done and if you dont thats fine too. Either way thanks for making the effort to read my work.
Comics By freeway
- Adventure |
- 12 pages |
- last: July 6 2011 |
our 4 hero bunnie babbits - "Faydoll", "Inabunn" "Troopy" and "Jum Jum" are on a mission to rescue boy scientist "Angle Rogers" from the evil clutches of thier arch enemy "Applefire"
- Fantasy |
- 34 pages |
- last: July 6 2011 |
A young hitman takes on a couple of contracts but things aren't quite as straightforward as they should be.
- Fantasy |
- 3 pages |
- last: July 6 2011 |
A young hitman who's only just managed to come to terms with the death of his mother (who was also a hitman) runs into a spot of bother with a young single parent mother.
- Adventure |
- 16 pages |
- last: July 6 2011 |
A bomb is ticking away can our two heroes defuse it in time?
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Comics Recomended By freeway
Vasper Nightstalker is a talented assassin under the orders of the tyrant of the land of the land. Gemini is your average teen elven princess. The two find themselves wrapped in the middle of a prophecy that will change the face of the future forever.
In a place where cold weather never seems to cease, a seventeen-year-old is held against his will. He plans to escape, but where to? A life of captivity is the only one he's known, so how could he be sure that the world outside is any different?
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