Public Profile


member since June 06, 2008


I left, then I came back. I might do something.

Send me a message if you have a question. I dont care what its about, as long as it isnt offensive.

twitter: graziano
aim: bluenoisebrigade

Comics By esu

  • Fantasy |
  • 1 page |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
Kristen is a twenty-something working a dead-end job and somehow getting by. The people in her town are weirdos, though for a good reason. She just doesn't know it yet.

Comics Assisted By esu

No comics.

Comics Recomended By esu

The Lexcore System: a writing system based on the Lex - the soul - made to request the manipulation of the space around the user. The Lexcore System is not an unbreakable one, nor is it one that was created simply for the betterment of normal society..

Updated every Sunday. Updated a week ahead at [url][/url]

Goth-witch Janina Hawkins finds herself on a scholarship to the famed Rochester Academy. Once there she finds herself embroiled in the battle between good and evil on sale in print here

esu's friends

  • DungeonmasterJim
  • amanda
  • Volte6
  • Terminal
  • ttyler

forum topics started

Videos Shared By esu

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amanda at 11:11AM, June 16, 2008

Let the awesomeness begin!

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