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member since May 05, 2007
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CURRENT STORY: Takashi Habara is a 12-year-old ninja in training. All his life he's been rejected by his fellow villagers. He's decided to walk the path of the ninja to prove that he's worth something. But what lies behind those yellow eyes?
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iloveEdwardCullen at 7:29PM, June 15, 2008
Laura and I HATE YOUR AVATAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
iloveEdwardCullen at 7:27PM, June 15, 2008
uh, YEAH RIGHT!!!!! i'm so gonna find a new avatar just to annoy u!!!
iloveEdwardCullen at 10:12AM, June 8, 2008
hey u like my new Avatar???
HELLO2U at 5:49PM, May 17, 2008
Ha this is ironic we're watching the Little Vampire right now -melissa
HELLO2U at 5:45PM, May 17, 2008
this is melissa and Edward is in fact MINE!!! do you read that M-I-N-E!!!!!!! and ANYONE who says otherwise I WILL PERSONALLY KILL!!!!!!!!
HELLO2U at 5:36PM, May 17, 2008
Edward is MINE! He is living in MY closet... and you're the bogus one!