Public Profile


member since May 05, 2007


Yo I am A mangka ( or atleast trying to become one) who trys to advance his technicue and stly of drawing …. I am in romance and fantazy kind of stuff…. after I finish my first manga I am going to uplaout many more …. so be there with me.
sicerily yours Demonic!

Comics By demonic

  • Fantasy |
  • 17 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
this story is about love between evil and good ....and about their adventures... the evil charecter is and archdevil boy and the good charecter is an divine archangel girl they liVe in our world but with magic in it=]

Comics Assisted By demonic

  • Fantasy |
  • 0 pages |
  • last:  |
this is a comic created by me and my pal ... the title is froma a fun cath fraze we heard at th elder scrools IV oblivions .... so this comics is about the world of oblivion only it has some lectrisity and electronic stuff..its a comedy comic

Comics Recomended By demonic

Old pages and artwork of "Between Heaven and Hell"

From Blambot Comic Fonts & Lettering creator, Nate Piekos, comes ATLAND! A long-running fantasy epic of high adventure and lowbrow humor!

I'm putting up a bunch of furry/manga stories that I just feel like drawing during the coming weeks or months. The stories are just what the title says, the Ramblings of my Brain... Some will have comedy and some will have sexy stuff.. Enjoy!! ^

An angel and demon are forced to live together in a rare deal between Heaven and Hell.

Magical creatures, inflated egos, and romance! What more could you want?

You thought death was the end? Well think again, will you? Three very different people tries to survive in the darker side of our world were the line between real and imaginagion does not exist.

Claus is a teenager from a messed up family, his mom massacred her own family to prove loyalty to her assassin group called WAASP but she was too weak to kill her only son...


demonic's friends

  • alpha_beta_angel
  • ghostrunner
  • Volte6
  • KD1992
  • edinmiami
  • Viviane_ch
  • Nergal
  • DSNG

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