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member since February 02, 2009


I am a DSU student in Dickinson ND.

Comics By cdright2003

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Comics Recomended By cdright2003

This is a comic about a depressing little thing named Boxdog, and her various trials and tribulations. She's got a rough life, self-esteem issues, and enough health problems to make a trained nurse cringe, but Boxdog does her best to get along.

It's about friends living in a cabin in the woods! Nobody living here is even human-- and the ones that were, abandoned that nonsense long ago. There's also some kind of political and cosmic conflict brewing just beyond their doorstep, in the magical forest lands of Kellwood, but they're trying not to be involved in all that. Too bad some folks are just going to insist on dragging them into it whether they like it or not!

Etna boots Laharl off his throne. Adventures ensue. Takes place after Disgaea 2. Not for kids. Sprites ripped by Crimson Penguin. Contains spoilers for Disgaea and Disgaea 2.

It's Mario! He's living in a paper world! Woo! This comic has never been in Spanish...

(A fan comic/tribute to Boxdog) Boxdog has no where else to stay, until an unexpected turn of events drives her into great trouble and wonder. She then begins her new journey in search of her long lost friend, Teadog.

Randomness strikes ordinary stick figures as boredom consumes them. Now they take life to the next level!

Basically I have started a mini comic in which most of my friends make an appearance, if you like furries, then feel free to look.

Being re-drawn! Please read when I finally get pages done!

Lambs frolic and cause mischief. Not for kids!

Sonic and his friends have to fight against a terrible threat! The Doppeldangers who are able to take the forms and the abilities of their ennemies !! It's a Sonamy fan-made comic too ! Other couples are : TailsXCream KnucklesXTikal ShadowXRouge

Earth's fate is in the hands of 2 alien races! Luckily 1 of them isn't so bad. Attempting to stop a vicious horde can 2 specially gifted humans (Fenny & Sally) actually turn the tables of balance on this war? Year 2132 Fantasy, SciFi, Action, Adventure

a novice's sprite comic turned into a wild adventure each season offers something different. Contains sprited violence and blood if you can look past that you'll be fine the lastest season contains a lot of filler but is updated daily.

A normal person is teleported to the pokemon world and does stuff therein. ... What? You want a monologue?


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