Public Profile


member since November 11, 2009


Im Audrey. I live in my basement, subsisting entirely off of mushroom soup and flavoured vitamin waters, and I aspire to be the moon someday.

Ive been in and out of art my whole life, and theres no time like the present to jump back in. I need the practice if Im going to be famous one day.

I update Conceptual Paths every Wednesday.
Hope you enjoy my scribbles :3

ps. This will be the last thing you see before I devour your flesh.

Comics By auzamon

  • Fantasy |
  • 21 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
Come with us now on a journey through time and space! Or, just stumble along with me on my path, the search for the perfect microwave egg cooker. Life experiences and musings in crude jokes and ink.

Comics Assisted By auzamon

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Comics Recomended By auzamon

Louder Than Bombs is a comic that can be inane, humourous, and even disturbing. You really take your good days with the bad days. It's our take on the world and how we take on the world all while being ourselves, being: Louder Than Bombs.

auzamon's friends

  • Insizwa
  • Monstro
  • nwest45
  • Volte6
  • McFadyn
  • JayFantastico
  • Denethor

forum topics started

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Videos Shared By auzamon

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Insizwa at 7:08AM, Feb. 1, 2010

Thanks for the add yo! And wicked comic, keep it up.

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