Public Profile


member since August 08, 2010


Hi in new and i REALLY need help with my comics. i would love it if someone can make me the sprites too. i will allow cameos.

likes: any anime
dislikes:sister,teacher,and waking up early

age: u dont need to know

pokemon world adventure: still updates

pokemon world adventure remake: updates often

im straight, loves naruto,pokemon,bakugan,yugioh,and DBZ.

Ethan Braveheart is my creation and will make an appearance in EvilPikachu79 Pokemon Paradise comic. The credit goes to me.

Comics By animemaster

  • Fantasy |
  • 24 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
This is a story of talented trainers from different regions,destined to protect the Pokemon World. Join them in their adventure!
  • Fantasy |
  • 5 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
Same storyline as the original. Enjoy!

Comics Assisted By animemaster

No comics.

Comics Recomended By animemaster

No recommended comics.

animemaster's friends

  • poonipoonz
  • Volte6
  • EvilPikachu79
  • MF2009
  • shadowbro
  • necrolichmon
  • Zilla_fire

forum topics started

No topics.

Videos Shared By animemaster

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EvilPikachu79 at 4:42PM, Jan. 12, 2011

Sorry that I am posting a response here. I was having trouble with the message thing so you may not get it. Anyway what I was saying is that you cannot ask me to make a sprite you have to do it yourself. If I made the sprites for people then why would I bother asking for them. You must provide the sprite. I explained this to you when I was asking for the League sprites. If you do not give me a sprite made by you then your character will not make an appearance in the comic.

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