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member since April 04, 2007
………………….. just a spriter
Comics By akudo12
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Come Join Tions, this comic is for anyone and everyone who loves sprites
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Brought to you by the FOX network, it's Feeling Rushed!! Starring Sonimy and Shadow.
A comic made with sprites taken from the online game Maple Story. Made with MSPaint. Enjoy and remember, keep on smilin'! ^_^
The discolored PoKeMoN have always been hunted as trophies. Now a discolored Larvitar named Flint, with a few friends, forms an underground society of discolored PoKeMoN! Updates each Saturday around 3:00 PM.
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shadow silver and bloof, enuff said
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malmidor123 at 2:12PM, Aug. 31, 2007
Hey dude.