Public Profile


member since April 04, 2007


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Comics Assisted By ZELDAinHYRULE

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Comics Recomended By ZELDAinHYRULE

Sam has a gift with women. He oozes charm, and can get any girl into bed. Sam has everything he could want, but there's one problem - and his name is George! The two boys are drawn to each other, causing even heart-throb Sam to look within himself.. YAOI

Three students are taken from their homes and lives by P.A.E.T.E - an organization whose role seems to be the destruction of aliens. Each student has no proir knowledge of eachother, but are linked by their extroadinary psychic abilities, and much more.

While looking forward to life after graduation, several Catholic schoolgirls are suddenly faced with life after death. Beguiling vampires and elegant gothic lolitas haunt this modern tale of naked fangs, forbidden love, and plaid gone bad.

ZELDAinHYRULE's friends

  • Volte6
  • Try Honesty666
  • bioteddy
  • Chaz McRich
  • curlpop

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Videos Shared By ZELDAinHYRULE

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curlpop at 9:10PM, June 10, 2007

thanks for the add =]

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