Public Profile


member since May 05, 2009



Likes: music (since i play it), food, a good book, jogging, friends, God.

Dislikes: Conflicting or hate vibes or attitudes, awkwardness (happens alot), uneven-ness (not OCD; but if someone gives a friendly punch in one arm, Ill laugh-smile and start rubing the other arm afterwards).

Another Like: Parenthenses

Comics By YoungSquire

No comics.

Comics Assisted By YoungSquire

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Comics Recomended By YoungSquire

2's A Company takes us back to the wonder years of 2007-2008 and stars 5 main characters- Travis, Andy, Riley, Leah, and Raphael- who, despite their age, go through serious and very (random)comedic things in their life times. -Clean Anthro/Furry comic-

Talfryn is a city that has attracted people from all over with its utopian peace and tranquility. But a lot can change in the span of a week. Detective Pink Panther will definitely learn that. AGENCY is a huge, multi-genre, multi-universe anthro fancomic. Rated T+ for graphic violence, themes and destroying favorite characters from your (or your parents') childhood.

A true story based on fictional events.

YoungSquire's friends

  • ExcitementAbounding
  • Priest_Revan
  • Inoshishi
  • Volte6

forum topics started

No topics.

Videos Shared By YoungSquire

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ExcitementAbounding at 10:33AM, June 9, 2009

thanks for reading the comics, man. keep in mind that it updates every sunday!

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