Public Profile

member since January 01, 2006
Allo! Whuts all this then?
Hiya, Im Vaati, a sprite-comic artist and practicing anime/anthro comic artist. Hopefully, one day I will be good enough to start a drawn comic, and Drunkduck is definatley my #1 choice of hosting it.
Hiya, Im Vaati, a sprite-comic artist and practicing anime/anthro comic artist. Hopefully, one day I will be good enough to start a drawn comic, and Drunkduck is definatley my #1 choice of hosting it.
Comics By Vaati
- Fantasy |
- 4 pages |
- last: July 6 2011 |
Whatever happened to those random soldiers, Vicks and Wedge? Follow their misadventures after being blown away by the frozen Esper as they battle theives, monsters, annoying heroes, and each other. UPDATES SATURDAYS!
Comics Assisted By Vaati
No comics.
Comics Recomended By Vaati
FF4 REAdvance is a humour driven comic (though wont always be funny) that follows the story of Final Fantasy IV. However it seems the characters and plot are not quite how you remember them.
Two friends enter the limitless potential of the VRC (Virtual Reality Console), and embark on the adventures they've always dreamed of. Well, in videogames, anyway...
TOTAL MADNESS! a comic of somewhat random events, and a story line!...But then again it might just be random..So join Marklar, Dak, Vaati, Kevin, Leon, ant the rest of the TM crew to encounter forces of ebil random!
Vaati's friends
forum topics started
No topics.
Videos Shared By Vaati
No videos.
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