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member since February 02, 2010


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Comics By TheTeenageArtist

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Comics Assisted By TheTeenageArtist

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Comics Recomended By TheTeenageArtist

Wade West had it all, he was the sidekick of the world famous Blackhawk! Once tragedy hits, Wade has to learn to live out of his mentor's shadow.

Random adventures of three dangerous teens.

Alicka and her little brother Winston are sent to Winkerkill Boarding School. The number one dumping ground of unwanted troubled teens. A miniature Gormenghast filled with bad seeds and black sheep.

The Energize: A powerful entity that assumes a human host, gifting it with incredible and sometimes uncontrollable power.

Well, if you thought you were the last person alive wouldn't you have taken off all your clothes and then run around? I thought so.

TheTeenageArtist's friends

  • sage
  • demi luv
  • The Joel
  • irMax
  • JazylH
  • 3iLL
  • Kohdok
  • Volte6
  • ShinuZero

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Videos Shared By TheTeenageArtist

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JazylH at 8:23PM, Aug. 12, 2010

Thanks for the add, buddy. :)

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