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member since October 10, 2007
You will be seated, at Table 9.
Take a seat, lets talk. This is my Table. The only Table with the capitol T for Table. Do not ask where to find Table 9, because if you look you will always find me sitting at that exact Table. And if someone says We dont have a Ninth Table then you hold within you the power to PUT THEM…..DOWN….on the ground where they belong because you shouldnt walk around with people in your hands in a dining area. Prosecution rests.
Take a seat, lets talk. This is my Table. The only Table with the capitol T for Table. Do not ask where to find Table 9, because if you look you will always find me sitting at that exact Table. And if someone says We dont have a Ninth Table then you hold within you the power to PUT THEM…..DOWN….on the ground where they belong because you shouldnt walk around with people in your hands in a dining area. Prosecution rests.
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This is the autobiographical tale of a boy without pupils as he compiles his realities and fantasies in a few panels per page.
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