Public Profile

member since May 05, 2006
Where I Live: New Caney.
What I do when Taking a Break: Play Video Games, Play Games On Multiplayer for Competition, Do work that mom Showed me of what to do.
Favorite Video Game Genre: Realtime Strategy, Arcade, Fighting, Action, Platform, RPG, Turnbased Strategy, Fighting.
One thing I hate: Lagging
Finishing Move I do during the Boss Battle on Video games that has Fighting, Action, Arcade, and RPG: Rapid Firing, Using Strong Magics, Combo Attacking, Use Charge Shot, Use Special Non-Melee Attack, Go Overdrive and Strike with Special Attack.
Favorite Pokemon: Sceptile, Typhlosion, Blastoise, Salamence, Dragontie, Lapras, Gyrados, Ho-Oh, Rayquaza, Dialpia, Turterra, Moltres, Omanyte, Fearow
My Moms Job: Detcon
My Dads Job: Detcon
My Big Brothers Job: Detcon
My Little Brothers Student Grade: 1st.
What I do when Taking a Break: Play Video Games, Play Games On Multiplayer for Competition, Do work that mom Showed me of what to do.
Favorite Video Game Genre: Realtime Strategy, Arcade, Fighting, Action, Platform, RPG, Turnbased Strategy, Fighting.
One thing I hate: Lagging
Finishing Move I do during the Boss Battle on Video games that has Fighting, Action, Arcade, and RPG: Rapid Firing, Using Strong Magics, Combo Attacking, Use Charge Shot, Use Special Non-Melee Attack, Go Overdrive and Strike with Special Attack.
Favorite Pokemon: Sceptile, Typhlosion, Blastoise, Salamence, Dragontie, Lapras, Gyrados, Ho-Oh, Rayquaza, Dialpia, Turterra, Moltres, Omanyte, Fearow
My Moms Job: Detcon
My Dads Job: Detcon
My Big Brothers Job: Detcon
My Little Brothers Student Grade: 1st.
Comics By SuperChild17
- Fantasy |
- 116 pages |
- last: July 6 2011 |
A Random Sprite Comic starting me, I like randomness.
- Fantasy |
- 10 pages |
- last: July 6 2011 |
A New comic starting White Zeta. Not only it will take place in the year 22xx with Maverick Hunting, but they have Metroids and Space Pirates.
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