Supah Sonic
member since December 12, 2009
god that was lame…
Real Name: Brody
Age: 13
Likes: NOT BEING SINGLE :D thats right im not single!
Dislikes: Seriously!
On December 14th Henry aka Blood zx told me about Drunkduck. So I joined and the very 1st day i was there i made my comic. Random Sprite Comics. It has so far been my most successful comic up to date. I remember someone tried to copy it by calling theirs Random Sprited Comics well since i though i was up at the top of my game i made 2 failure of comics called
BCLN - A stupid litle comic about Earthbound/Mother 3. It failed
Pokemon BAG - ok this one im not gonna talk about because it absolutely failed.
well then i tried to make a sonic online comic that failed. Another pokemon comic that failed and an SSB cmoic that went ok actually…but i discontinued it. Then i released Kirby Tales. It went good and was my 3rd most successful comic ever. But during that time i knew my pokemon comics failed. Well since Paint.net wouldnt work with my old laptop i got it on another computer. I also made a new account along with it. Epic Blaze. Yes, that was me. im very retarded. Well during the summer of 2010 i decided to forget about DrunkDuck and left. I deleted everything and left. Same with Henry. Then on December 16th i decided to make a return with a new comic. I went down the way of the pokemon. I made The Most Cliched Pokemon Comic Ever. It was my first comic with paint.net done good and is still going good. then I killed off the main character Leo and got in my cameo from G VS R but before that i was talking with henry about him re joining DD and he did. He re made his comic Kirby Kaso Krash and another comic. We also are trying to revive RSC from the grave but its not going well….
Then one day in school i thought of something Hmm…mypetmorkies Uprising VS Datadrive didnt really go anywhere. What if I made a comic like it. I could call it Green Vs Red! i could get cameos from other people and made 1 of my own. so i went and did it. That so far is my 2nd best comic so far…but in anuary i tried 2 different comics.
Super Mario Bros REVENGE - Luigi puts on his Mr.L costume and goes to work for bowser. FAILED after 2 pages no one commented
Kirby Tales Lost Pages - it is what it is. This also failed as no one commented or read it so it failed. So now im here where i am.
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Blood zx
High 5 if you read everything!
Comics By Supah Sonic
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Comics Assisted By Supah Sonic
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Comics Recomended By Supah Sonic
Imagine a world in which your favorite manga and anime characters are all fighting against each other. In the world of Animania, an evil warlord takes control of the earth and tries to enslave all of humanity. Only the rebels can stop him now.
no description
A heroic quest of frienship and hardship and other kinds of ships.
An adventure with an 16 1/2 afro teen that is way different than your generic Pokemanz game.
Eh, SoulSilver has inspired me to start over in Johto. So yeah, enjoy it!
A comic series showing Kirby's adventures with his friend, Waddle Dee and their mentor, Metallic. Watch him get stronger as he trains at the Star Warrior Academy!
Mario is in trouble. Mutants , intergalactic travel, thieves, and of course Cackletta are causing trouble and he and some green guy have to save the day once again.
A girl named Amy travels through Kanto to be the best Pokemon Coordinator but she runs into some unexpected trouble
The first (Successful)sprite comic of Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platnium (To my knowing) most sprites are customs by me Tries to update every Mon, Wedns, an Friday.
A thrilling story of an ambitious trainer and his non- Pokemon partner as they must save the Pokemon world from chaos.
PoKeMoN Genesis is an adaption of PokeMoN Fire Red/Leaf Green that follows the adventure of Red, Blue, and Green. When I say adaption by no means do I mean that it follows the story exactly, more of a mocking of the original game.
The comic is now revived! Lets so how season 2 turn out!
no description
Noah is a wannabe pokemon trainer and a student, but his life changes when he gets involved in a big mystery.(All rights on the original pokemon sprites go to the pokemon franchise).
Some kids go around catching Pokemon. Generic plot, right? Wrong... maybe...
A comic setup like pokemon Red and Blue, with some minor changes
Tai must decide if he should believe Celebi, save his friend Tyson, or fufill his dream. Enjoy
Jay from an old team from the past needs to reunite with his friend slick and the other following members to stop a great evil that shall rise on the world. This force the team Reunion shall defeat the shadow unite.
Follow Dan on his quest in the Wasoro region!
After six years from the events of Pokemon Emerald, a new enemy has rised to control the world.A young wannabe trainer named Ace gets involved in the mystery.Will he be able to defeat the enemy?Or will darkness dominate the world?
A comic with over 100 episodes that was first on a small forum but now it's here!
Join the adventures of Red presented to you by Professor Dolphin. Fun fun fun awaits *levels of fun may vary*
A 14 year old guy discovers a Sonic online game called "Sonic Advanced Online" and makes new friends online, and finding real world friends too. A group of players plan to hack the game to their will, and it's up the NeonRush and friends to stop them.
A telling of the game Sonic Heroes, but from what thoughts I had from playing the game for the first time...
Just a random Sonic Comic I make up at random... Hopefully you will get a laugh out of at least some of the comics.
The game told from another point of view.
Supah Sonic's friends
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Videos Shared By Supah Sonic
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Blood zx at 4:38PM, March 19, 2011
How do you know it was december 14th?
Blood zx at 4:13PM, March 5, 2011
Make me the RSC guy dude thing
Blood zx at 7:38PM, Jan. 24, 2011
where's my high 5
exxxtasy69 at 6:38PM, Jan. 8, 2011
Send in cameo when ya get a chance!! ;)
happymouse at 12:51PM, Dec. 29, 2010
High five!
vine_st at 9:16AM, June 2, 2010
Not that your new one is bad or anything, it's very good so far.
vine_st at 9:15AM, June 2, 2010
What happened to your Kirby comic? ;_; i thought it was good!
Blood zx at 9:43AM, May 1, 2010
I see some new comics
joshuabush23 at 3:48AM, April 19, 2010
Yes they are Kirby is also epic
coraz5000 at 2:57PM, April 3, 2010
Mines 0389 0998 4208
mypetmorkie at 7:21AM, April 3, 2010
my wifi isnt workin D: but if i go to my freinds house i can find it...
mypetmorkie at 12:11PM, Feb. 28, 2010
s'okay, i just didn't have enough material to write bout (plus i dont have time anymore, ive got tons of tests commin up)
Blood zx at 7:09PM, Feb. 25, 2010
Like kirby kaos krash?
WinterSoldier at 2:20PM, Feb. 25, 2010
This is where my avatar originated from. :P [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8qp3whnsDw[/url]
mypetmorkie at 3:28AM, Feb. 8, 2010
sure i can help
Snowninja at 2:04AM, Jan. 9, 2010
Yes, I made Noah's and Ralph's sprites.