Public Profile


member since January 01, 2012


Well where to we start? Life wasn't always easy. I was born the son of a witch doctor and deformed a circus performer. My mom later landed a gig as the cook at a camp, but my brother drowned and then people started disappearing. I grew up an orphan in West Virginia and was sold to the government for experiments. My current place of residence is my lair where I dwell and brood. I also have chainsaws for hands. Try being that awesome. Okay…I lied. I'm just a dude who likes comics, music, movies and good times. In the process of drawing my first comic which will be uploaded here.

Comics By SirMWK

  • War |
  • 19 pages |
  • last: May 10 2012 |
In a city on the verge of destruction, an aging war veteran suffers a tragic loss when a vicious gang breaks into his home and attacks his family. His life in shreds, Norman Driscoll is forced to reconnect with his violent past as he undergoes one final mission.

Comics Assisted By SirMWK

No comics.

Comics Recomended By SirMWK

No recommended comics.

SirMWK's friends

  • Champion City Comics
  • ProphDookie
  • Boy Phaff
  • Genejoke
  • Bonny

Videos Shared By SirMWK

No videos.


No trophies.



PIT_FACE at 7:49AM, Feb. 3, 2012

welcome to DD! hope ya enjoy it and go ahead and make yourself at home in the forum and what not. we're typically all pretty decent folk for the most part! cheers!

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