Public Profile

member since March 03, 2008
About DBBT:
Dragon Ball Brotherhood Tales was randomly made by editing a Bebi Vegeta and Broly sprite making a story of a Purple SSJ saiyan and a red haired Brolix
I am also currently working on a comic called Brawl Wars
Nintendo + Kingdom Hearts + Shinoda and S666 = Epic amounts of plumbing
Dragon Ball Brotherhood Tales was randomly made by editing a Bebi Vegeta and Broly sprite making a story of a Purple SSJ saiyan and a red haired Brolix
I am also currently working on a comic called Brawl Wars
Nintendo + Kingdom Hearts + Shinoda and S666 = Epic amounts of plumbing

Comics By Simetra666
- Fantasy |
- 11 pages |
- last: July 6 2011 |
This story goes on at the same time as Goku life on Earth, but there is a new hero on a new planet.
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