Public Profile


member since October 10, 2022


Shekets, a loathsome object, an abomination.

Comics By SheepShekets

  • Fantasy |
  • 4 pages |
  • last: Feb. 7 2023 |
18+ strips and garbage that are Domestic HellLand related. Some strips are older but are meant to take place outside of the main story's canon. A lot of the strips are older, and unpolished!
  • Horror |
  • 50 pages |
  • last: June 23 2023 |
A story-driven slice of life about an unorthodox pairing of an unconventional Devil and his wife, as they endure the bizarre ensuing revelations in their newly self-created domestic hellscape. Maybe they'll stumble into the American dream along the way.

Comics Assisted By SheepShekets

No comics.

Comics Recomended By SheepShekets

One day a Holy Knight from the Kingdom of Rahknor enters a small town to capture a girl named Fang who has been causing trouble. Soon after he completes his mission, plans for a nation wide war using the Arkin Blade, a legendary weapon yet to be found, are revealed, leaving the unwitting pair no choice but to find it and stop these plans before they can become a dark reality. It won't be easy, many evil and sketchy types are after the Blade as well for their own reasons.

A giant cave monster and an aspiring mortician search for light in the world of eternal darkness they are doomed to inhabit.

SheepShekets's friends

  • Zero Hour
  • HawkandFloAdventures
  • Avart
  • GuyPercinn
  • shibazoid

forum topics started

Videos Shared By SheepShekets

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