Public Profile


member since November 11, 2007


This is what I posted in the new-persons forum, so as it is my formal introduction, I shall place it here!


Hi everyone! Im new here. I joined cuz my friend Rekul showed me all the awesome stuff on here and I just couldnt help myself anymore. Im finally writing my comic and I am proud! Im an anime/manga fan, but over the past couple years I have been broadening my horizons - a lot. Basically, if you are teh awesome I will read your stuff like a rabid puppy. The world is mah oyster o comic goodness! Im also an art student, which is alternately fun and really annoying and hard. OH WELL.

Thanks for anyone who looked at this! I promise Ill have my story up ASAP. I also have a Deviantart page - (I think it doesnt have the www…) - but this place is a lot… less big and self-important. Theres a certain coolness in that green BG… Also, itll be nice to have all the pages in order somewhere. And Im html deficient. SO this all helps so much!

Oh yeah, and meh story is going to be about a metal band, and possessed people, robots, zombies, etc. Ill try to keep it a comedy and not go all emo too often. Ive been having it brewing for over a year now, and its finally coming out. Enjoy the fresh lager, duckies!


Comics By Seira_chan

  • Horror |
  • 19 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
  • 1 like
A shy boy/stalker finally works up the nerve to talk his darling, and all hell breaks loose - literally. This is the story of everyday life when vampires, demons, curses, robots, and zombies are everyday annoyances. Oh, and there's a particular band...

Comics Assisted By Seira_chan

No comics.

Comics Recomended By Seira_chan

Meet K. She likes to shop, watch TV and smoke cigarettes. And God hates her. Lucky her.

A dark mechanical world where a strange entity slaves to create humanity in the proverbial Garden of Eden. This can only be done with the sacrifice of his first creation.

'I did not see a dead body in that box' Lain Kacia didn't see a dead body in that box... but now she's wondering if maybe it was better if she had.

Seira_chan's friends

  • ragdoll_sensei
  • finalfantasyfreak_07
  • Volte6
  • Rutger
  • PabloStudioZ
  • webcomics heh
  • shino
  • Atelier aqua
  • rekul

forum topics started

Videos Shared By Seira_chan

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