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member since January 01, 2009


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Comics By RoninHunt0987

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Comics Assisted By RoninHunt0987

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Comics Recomended By RoninHunt0987

What do you get when you force a two-tailed kitsune and a cabbit to work together? Complete insanity, Psychotic authors and evil plots.

Well, this is my Sonic Sprite Comic. It's supposed to be a Sonic X comic style but then I thought how much people hate Chris (me included) so it's kind of Sonic X without Chris & co. (YAY)

A world where Tails Made sonic never exist, leaving only Tails to remember him.

Brought to you by the FOX network, it's Feeling Rushed!! Starring Sonimy and Shadow.

What happens when the charecters of Mario, Sonic, and the Zelda series are living in one apartment? Crazy adventures involving zombies, Eeevil Corp, and many more. Join Mario, Luigi, Sonic, Shadow, and Link as they live life...together.

Sonic and Tails have grown bored of living in the country and have decided to move to the city, at least that's what Sonic decided. Warning: Contains Magi, demonic landlords, a crazy green guy, and suffering, lots and lots of suffering.

Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and the rest of the crew. Doing what? Well, trying to live their day-to-day lives! But with alternate dimensions, evil scientists, and an annoying little problem with dying... It's harder than it sounds.

Sonic finds himself in yet another sprite comic but something is different about this one. There is no author or plot! Sonic stuck in the comic with fourth wall awareness decides to make himself the author. This should be interesting to say the least.

A Sonic sprite comic that is 3 years in the making. Join Sonic and his friends as they go on hilarious adventures to strange for the video games. Prepare to enter the insanity that is Sonic & Tails Corner. Please? you know you want to.

Sonic's on college... WITH SHADOW AS HIS ROOMMATE?! (this story is not in Another Sonic Comic's Storyline)

Sonic and Tails wonder what it would be like to enter the world of a game. Unfortunately, they picked the wrong one...

A telling of the game Sonic Heroes, but from what thoughts I had from playing the game for the first time...

meet sonic yes he is stupid while his fiend tails is smart and knuckles is stupid as well read while they go though there misadventured life as "sonic misadventures"

Take one happy-go-lucky hedgehog, an disgruntled emerald guardian, an ex-weapon of mass destruction and put them in the same house as a fox that makes giant robots in his spare time. You'll see clone armies, vampire girlfriends and stanist weddings. Fun.

Exactly what the title says

One of Sonic's dumb moments.

Sonic and his friends are forced to fight against crazy robots, inept hunters, mad scientists and supernatural creatures.

This isn't a Sonic comic aimed at the kids, it contains Sonic in ways that could never happen in the games. It's filled with adult language, sexual situations and violence. You never do know whats going to happen next in the world of Sonic Unreal.

It's Super Mario World, Only SMW was Never like This! Oh wait, yes it was.

post data:the xD is a h for the tile DANGER:THIS A ULTRA RANDOM COMIC TRIM IN FOX WHO SUPPOSEDLY IS HETEROSEXUAL(no is porno(so far))

The heroes of the Sonic universe live under one roof. Trust me, it gets a lot more complicated than that. And monkeys are involved. Good times...

A group of friends, fresh from the edge of Mobius's Badland region, move into Onett, where Sonic and his friends are living life, unsuspecting and unprepared. New heroes, old heroes, and the crazed existence that is typical of Mobius...Let's watch.

Tails videotapes life for unknown and possibly perverted or stupid reasons.

A Sonic comic with: robots, mutants, Jedi, cyborgs, monsters, and other stuff.

Amy Rose has a mission: To find out why she can't use the Chaos Emeralds like Sonic can. After a freak experiment goes wrong in a totally non-Half-Life-like way, the Emeralds scatter, and she and Tails must find them.


RoninHunt0987's friends

  • Dragonbreath
  • Rentorian
  • Nexus the Hedgehog
  • Smerph Greenfox
  • Volte6
  • Koivo

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