Public Profile


member since May 05, 2007


Its not much to say about myself. My names Brendan, and Im 17 years old. I pretty much spend the time I do get drawing, spriting, or making the comics. The internets not like it used to be, thats for sure.

Whenever Im NOT online, Im usually driving around, hanging out, or listening to music while drinking Coca-Cola and eating Cheetos.

Im also a somewhat big gamer, dating back to the first NES. Nintendo/Microsoft fan. Ill probably add more here when I think of something else to say.

Comics By Reiki

  • Fantasy |
  • 8 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
A Pokemon journey comic around Hoenn, revolving around two group of trainers. Each with different ambitions, they travel across the land of Hoenn. But what happens when the groups' thrive to the top goes too far?

Comics Assisted By Reiki

No comics.

Comics Recomended By Reiki

No recommended comics.

Reiki's friends

  • Netsaver exe
  • Viviane_ch
  • Volte6
  • Hurricane Dann
  • Kinuchio
  • Lucarioman_EXE
  • ttyler
  • Lexxorodius
  • sessy6
  • gamemaster

forum topics started

No topics.

Videos Shared By Reiki

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Lexxorodius at 10:06AM, May 28, 2007

hahaha your name is brendan while that idiot in your comic's name is brendan

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