Public Profile


member since September 09, 2009


Hey, Im Rapter. Im a college student in Florida.
I enjoy animation of almost all kinds: cartoons, animated movie, anime, video games, etc. Im also a huge fan of manga and some marvel comics.
-My favorite manga are Negima, Fairy Tails, Pokemon Adventures, and One Piece.
-My favorite video games are Pokemon, Digimon World, SMT Persona, Megaman Battle Network,Donky Kong Country, and Super Mario: Legend of the Seven Stars.
-Im also a huge fan of Digimon and my favorite character is Daisuke.
-I enjoy spriting and am currently working on making PMD sprites for the Gen V Pokemon.

My comic is Shadow vs. Dark, a Pokemon sprite comic that follows the journey of Crimson of One Island as he travels the Kanto region in order to stop an organization called the Four Jesters.

Comics By Rapter

  • Fantasy |
  • 88 pages |
  • last: Nov. 25 2011 |
Crimson has just left his hometown of One Island so he may travel across Kanto. But during his journey, he meets a mysterious foreigner called Shades and discovers a group of deadly trainers called the 4 Jesters.
  • Fantasy |
  • 4 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
Years have passed since the fall of Team Rocket, and herds of new Pokemon have migrated to new regions. This is the story of Crimson and his quest to help Prof. Oak categories the new Kanto Pokemon and his adventures alongside the unknown trainer Shades

Comics Assisted By Rapter

No comics.

Comics Recomended By Rapter

Warning: Comic Contains Spoilers. This comic is an overall parody of the entire storyline of the video game, Persona 3. Follow the MC's life both personally and professionally. Hope you enjoy it.


USB - Unlimited simulated body Set in the year 2100. Join Josh, River and Wade as they live their lives in the technilogicly advanced future where everyone owns an artifialy inteligent USB (not a pokemon comic) (contains stong language)

Rapter's friends

  • XM0stLyGhOstLyX
  • necrolichmon
  • charliemew2
  • cpdx
  • Brawllucas
  • Volte6

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Videos Shared By Rapter

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