Public Profile


member since March 03, 2008


Rodrigo Diaz Ricci was born in Valparaiso, Chile 1971. Later he adopted the italian nationality.
Graphic designer, after working in cartoons, publishing fanzines and comics he moved to Europe where he published covers for the Greek newspaper Eleftherotypia in Athens and for the Horror and forbiden archeology magazines by the publishing house Mondo Ignoto owned by Dario Argento and Luigi Cozzi.(Rome,Italy)
In Rome, Italy, he also worked in car tunning and making gadgets for football teams such as Juventus, Inter and Milan. After this period he decided to get closer to his passion: comics. This year, he published two stories (drawing and script) in the Italian Comic Book El Italiano (The Italian) based on the horror film called Curriƒƒ‚culum by Patricio Valladares. This comic book was published by Nicola Pesce Editore publishing house
At the moment, he is working in several projects and one of these is Ligeia.

Buy Ligeia in:

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Comics By RD RICCI

  • Fantasy |
  • 23 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
These are some pages of my Graphic Novel it's a existentialist story. The story is about destiny and how we choose it. I invite you to read it!

Comics Assisted By RD RICCI

No comics.

Comics Recomended By RD RICCI

Creatures that seem to have come from an artists imagination get up in his face and his fridge. It's in the humor category because "Zen Farce" is not an option!

A character-driven superhero comic, set in the UK? One that's not a spoof? Oh, you'll be wanting Shades then!

RD RICCI's friends

forum topics started

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Videos Shared By RD RICCI

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cru at 1:40PM, June 12, 2008

Thanks for the add

amanda at 1:11PM, June 12, 2008

Anytime! And thank YOU!

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