Public Profile


member since February 02, 2010


Hey Im Mark. Im here cause a friend has a few comics and he wanted me to start rating them. I guess my insults in real life wasnt good enough.

Im 20. Currently stumbling through life. I think I might of stubbed my toe…damn life.

I might make a comic if I can get an artist but Im pretty lazy so whatever stories I have will probably just rot in my noggin.

Favorite shows: Alot of them.
Favorite songs: Alot of them too.

Favorite color: Dark blue.

Comics By PoorBoyBlues

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Comics Assisted By PoorBoyBlues

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Comics Recomended By PoorBoyBlues

The humans' mind is a powerful thing. Powerful enough to create demons. Demons that latch onto a concept, emotion, or thought and becomes it. Through out time people have believed in magic and witchcraft. But in reality it was all individuals using demons

I don't know if these thoughts go though your minds or if I'm just crazy, but "No Talent" is a collection of my experiences, thoughts and ideas that have crossed my mind. Also Everyonce in a while something random will come up like, Life of a Marshmellow.

In the center of the multiverse there is Medius Mundus, a world were anything can happen. Super Heros, Monsters, and Gods all are real here. But what happens when theres to much evil or chaos for the good to deal with? Then fate choices a few rejects.

PoorBoyBlues's friends

  • Randomdudeperson
  • harkovast
  • Volte6
  • faulkzilla
  • Erad
  • TheFlyingGreenMonkey
  • Future Godfather

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