Public Profile


member since November 11, 2007


Hahaha! Ermm… O.o I dont know……. eeeh… hey mu… I hope you guys dont mind Im writing in the about me block…. O.O If you do… too bad!!! . J/k…

Mutation: Is that you Kujo? In any case, Ill write a little something about this account for other people who will be reading our comics.

PSOwned is a group effort by currently four people. We simply put up Phantasy Star comics up, Classic, Online, and Universe.

Im pretty sure our rating is anything, so we may have one or two adulty comics. Exspecially since Mu, which is myself, is onboard.
Thats about it, Ill leave room for other people to say things.

Nishiki will start up shortly…or atleast when I finish the title page. Which will be shortly.
- Nikai

Comics By PSOwned

  • Sci-Fi |
  • 5 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
Short stories and strips about Nishi, a half newman half human, and her mag, Varuna, and ocationally adventures with her friends in the world of PSO.
  • Sci-Fi |
  • 0 pages |
  • last:  |
Actually, this comic isn't running. I've also forgot the main group-account password for it.

Comics Assisted By PSOwned

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Comics Recomended By PSOwned

Welcome to the feline world of Setar, a mostly sand covered world, with a hidden forest deep in a crater. Here lives Ragus city, and Zara Vallaru. A holy knight, of a sorts, whose allies are a child and a dark knight who obsesses over her.

PSOwned's friends

  • Nikai Nockturne
  • Rockster1039
  • shino
  • Mutation
  • chaychan
  • kujosbloodstrewnmoon
  • Volte6

forum topics started

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Videos Shared By PSOwned

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