Public Profile


member since February 02, 2007


Hi, Im Ozz. I co-write/shoot(I wont say draw :P) the mildly popular webcomic Outskirts of Orgrimmar with the one called The Ruku.

Comics By Ozz

No comics.

Comics Assisted By Ozz

  • Fantasy |
  • 84 pages |
  • last: Jan. 8 2015 |
A screenshot comic based in the lands of Azeroth! Updates Wednesdays, and whenever we can cram an extra comic in.

Comics Recomended By Ozz

The misadventures of Cru, a demented dwarf with a questionable grasp on reality and a penchant for perviness.

A screenshot comic based in the lands of Azeroth! Updates Wednesdays, and whenever we can cram an extra comic in.

Zieromus just wants some sleep. But nooooo, the target of assassination attempts, child support scandals, and assailed by decay of the world (of Warcraft), the Warlock is constantly in peril. No rest for the charmingly antiheroic, I suppose.

Ozz's friends

  • AwesomeStudios
  • Light_in_Darkness
  • Daldrin
  • Pyren
  • Chaz McRich
  • Volte6
  • SecondRateHeroes

forum topics started

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Videos Shared By Ozz

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