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member since July 07, 2007
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After a nightmarish mishap taking the most important person to her away, Fae's only chance of getting her back, and saving even her own life, is a Claw that embedded itself on her arm as things started turning upside-down.
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lapaix at 6:06PM, Dec. 6, 2007
Thanks for the add
GTLB at 4:13PM, Dec. 3, 2007
Hey Orange, I just saw some other comments that you made at some comics that I also enjoy and thought you might like to be friends. How are ya?
trevoramueller at 9:25AM, Nov. 26, 2007
Oh, sorry. You left a few comments on my comics before and I figured, you know - everyone could use a bald man on their friend's list. ;)
trevoramueller at 9:17AM, Nov. 26, 2007
Thanks for the add, my friend!
Chaz McRich at 12:14PM, Nov. 18, 2007
Hey chum! Thanks for the add! Also what do you think of some sort of test?
marine at 6:26PM, Nov. 13, 2007
What do you think of Werewolf?
DollSyndrome at 6:03PM, Nov. 12, 2007
Thanks for the add. :D