Public Profile


member since May 05, 2007


Yo, Im just some random dude who likes to read web comics. I happen to live in South Africa and I also enjoy reading other non-comic related items, called Boooooks. Yes things that can be *gasp* read offline, known to congregate at libraries and bookstores.
I fancy Fantasy, Sci-Fi and Horror genres. But enough about me time to readses all the purty comics, that is why I here anyhow.

Comics By Noxious

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Comics Assisted By Noxious

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Comics Recomended By Noxious

The once terror of the world, the immortal wizard Darshe the Destroyer was defeated and sentenced to spiritual rehab in the body of a monk boy. Now re-awakened can he escape his clueless prison and regain his power to finish what he started?

It's about friends living in a cabin in the woods! Nobody living here is even human-- and the ones that were, abandoned that nonsense long ago. There's also some kind of political and cosmic conflict brewing just beyond their doorstep, in the magical forest lands of Kellwood, but they're trying not to be involved in all that. Too bad some folks are just going to insist on dragging them into it whether they like it or not!

A collection of short horror stories. Tragic tales of love and death told via the watchful eye of a mysterious narrator.

Raphael is the calm, soft-spoken son of a single mother. He never bothered with a social life, was a horrible volleyball player and always dreamt about being a writer and having children. One day he walked home and found blood...

A fantasy adventure set in a world where creatures of magic have returned to the world and myths have the power to shape reality

Lola is the story of a sad, sad 13 (now 14) year old girl, who lives with her eccentric grandmother. After just entering junior high school, Lola begins to make new friends and go about life like every other normal kid...of course "normal" is relative.

Champagne comedy served in two half pints. The completely random adventures of Campbell and Henderson. *WARNING - may contain zombies, aliens, acorns, jellyfish, anti cloud sentiments and possibly a punchline or two.

Cajun-spiced, hot-n-heavy, dark-n-deadly, supernatural science fiction goodness in every ever-lovin' spoonful.


Noxious's friends

  • VegaX
  • Volte6
  • Gavin

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