Public Profile


member since December 12, 2008


Oh, you know me…oh wait, no you dont. Im just a teenager who sits at the computer all day, making comics and movies and editing pictures and making websites and forums and all that. I hope one day that Id be widely-known on the internet for my creations.

Comics By NintendoLeague

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Kirby leads an adventerous team of Fox, Falco, and Luigi to keep Videogame villians from wreaking havok! Comedy and Adventure for everyone!

Comics Assisted By NintendoLeague

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Comics Recomended By NintendoLeague

A comic about crazy, nerdy roommates and the chaotic stories they go through. Season one is a sprite comic with characters based on me and my friends, season 2 is a pixel comic taking place centuries later! NOTE: Season 1 starts off with bad quality.

this is the story of the game kirby super star....with some twists of my own, ep.1-125 have already been made and are a few months old

A remake of my old comic, Kirby Supah Star

A Drunk Duck featured comic and winner of the Drunk Duck Awards for Best Humor Scenes and Most Deliciously Offensive. Plus the artist is an Adonis of a man. Handsome, charismatic, suave. He saved my mom's life once! All in all, this is one awesome guy.

This is a collection of the best Naruto comics ever made on the net.

The randomness from Nintendo games is shown in this one-liner comic. Many Nintendo games are shown, Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Warioware, and other awesome games made by Nintendo. There will not be licensed nintendo games in the comic. Enjoy the randomess

Mario and Link and Metroid save the princess and who knows what else? They are the Super Squad and nothing can beat them!

Even in a magical world, unexplained phenomena can happen. That's where Eredicus, Aries and their colleagues come in. They explore the paranormal in a world of fantasy, mythical creatures, and strong magic.

The shenanigans of Smash Brother's characters.


NintendoLeague's friends

  • Volte6
  • Jonko
  • quo
  • Nerd Fury

forum topics started

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Videos Shared By NintendoLeague

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