member since April 04, 2007
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Yeah, havent updated it in 2 years. Honestly? I dont know if I will…even though I have other pages drawn..Im lazyyyy
Comics By Nara_Nara
- Fantasy |
- 1 page |
- last: July 6 2011 |
Comics Assisted By Nara_Nara
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Comics Recomended By Nara_Nara
It's about friends living in a cabin in the woods! Nobody living here is even human-- and the ones that were, abandoned that nonsense long ago. There's also some kind of political and cosmic conflict brewing just beyond their doorstep, in the magical forest lands of Kellwood, but they're trying not to be involved in all that. Too bad some folks are just going to insist on dragging them into it whether they like it or not!
Alicka and her little brother Winston are sent to Winkerkill Boarding School. The number one dumping ground of unwanted troubled teens. A miniature Gormenghast filled with bad seeds and black sheep.
In the future, even machines will need an angel, and one girl is there to fill in that job position, her name is Angel Love; and her dream will cause a whole cyborg city to erupt into a massive gang war.
It's about zombies. :D
Rated bizarre for: monsters, zombies, cannibalism, school girls, unrequited love (with a vengeance), government conspiracy, chocolate bunnies, angels vs. demons, all that with a limb or two to spare.
"Natalie is a singer. Paul is a deaf-mute young man... On a rainy night these people bump into each... A girl to whom music is the source of life bumps into a man who can't understand the sound of her voice... Why is it that both complement each other?
Strange things have started happening in the local cemetery since Fernando Fritz rose from his grave... could this zombie be the cause of all the weirdness, or does it just follow him? Updates every 13th of the month!
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blue_star at 1:13PM, Sept. 3, 2007
well...who doesn't luv' sleeping xD I luv' drawing too but i'm no good with designs and details. hm...reading..i don't really read unless is nessary. Did you read the latest Harry Potter book? I don't have time to read it yet but my friend said it was good.
blue_star at 9:55PM, Sept. 2, 2007
I'm good too. Summer was fun, too bad it ended so soon. It's good to back to school too. hm...not much to say...tell me your interests, so we have something to talk about. lolz.
blue_star at 5:57PM, Sept. 1, 2007
u..what previous comment? I just said Ho ware you.
blue_star at 5:28PM, Sept. 1, 2007
Hi. How r u?
blue_star at 2:46PM, May 11, 2007
what for? ^^; Did ur schhol ended yet. Is unfair how some school ends ealier than others.
blue_star at 7:27PM, May 10, 2007
haha..I'm bored too, bored of crazy stufying for finals. I just fninshed decorating for the junior prom. I hot glue my finger togther TT-TT still hurts...
yareufollowingme at 12:11PM, May 3, 2007
yay it's a new avatar! we have new avatars together too! w000!
yareufollowingme at 6:21AM, May 3, 2007
yay! we can look crazy together! *spazzes s'more*
yareufollowingme at 6:53PM, May 2, 2007
*dances with Nara_Nara* except I can't dance, so it looks more like I'm spazzing...
yareufollowingme at 6:45PM, May 2, 2007
then yay for love! it makes everything go round!! weeeee!
yareufollowingme at 6:29PM, May 2, 2007
hmm I always thought it was the gravitational field...but that works too =DDD
yareufollowingme at 6:01PM, May 2, 2007
hehe yaay for love!
yareufollowingme at 4:23PM, May 2, 2007
my turn. *huff huff* 2, 3, 4, ahhhh I fell over! I've always had terrible balance!
yareufollowingme at 4:08PM, May 2, 2007
you can go first. ^^
yareufollowingme at 2:59PM, May 2, 2007
damn. Where did I put that sidewalk chalk?! Oh here it is. 1, 2, 3, 4...
yareufollowingme at 2:52PM, May 2, 2007
YES! we can play hopscotch!
yareufollowingme at 2:08PM, May 2, 2007
So hop to it! lol *starts hopping...*
yareufollowingme at 12:51PM, May 2, 2007
ZOMG! I just beat the top score!... *whistles and maybe gets back to studying*
yareufollowingme at 4:54PM, May 1, 2007
heh I'm gonna need luck...
yareufollowingme at 4:42PM, May 1, 2007
heh yea. one of these days I'll get around to making one. That is once I have finished my exams...speaking of which, I am back to studying for a few minutes ><
yareufollowingme at 3:59PM, May 1, 2007
I can never find one I like and I can't really make one soooooo, yea. That explains mine lol.
yareufollowingme at 3:43PM, May 1, 2007
hehe me too. I liked the other one too. But this one is awesomeness.
yareufollowingme at 3:08PM, May 1, 2007
I went to the circus when I was young and they were giving elephant rides. Then the elephant went crazy and started throwing the kids off... ooo Pirates of the Caribbean Theme is on!!
yareufollowingme at 2:56PM, May 1, 2007
no. there is an elephant in the way.
yareufollowingme at 2:45PM, May 1, 2007
and for another random moment... mooooo!