Public Profile

Nai Chan

member since September 09, 2007


Yo! :3
I used to have a comic here, but not anymore. XD Now I lurk ftw.
Definately check out my recommended list - the comics there are awesome sauce.

DA: if you ever read Playing God and wanted to continue, it gets put up over there.

Comics By Nai Chan

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Comics Assisted By Nai Chan

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Comics Recomended By Nai Chan

Even in a magical world, unexplained phenomena can happen. That's where Eredicus, Aries and their colleagues come in. They explore the paranormal in a world of fantasy, mythical creatures, and strong magic.

The apocalypse has already come and gone. The fall of man is reality, and the dawn of a new age has long since risen. The rays of this putrid sun scald and tear apart the world at its mercy, yet the rotten inhabitants continue to feed on our dying Earth.

Rated bizarre for: monsters, zombies, cannibalism, school girls, unrequited love (with a vengeance), government conspiracy, chocolate bunnies, angels vs. demons, all that with a limb or two to spare.

On Princess Delaria's 13th birthday, she is to select a Knight of service to protect her and perform her will. The castle is shocked when she chooses foreign Knight in training, Mizuki Shiro, and such decisions cannot bode well.

Surfboards and RayGuns is a humorous surfing story about self-doubt and new love. Unfortunately for our young hero Evan Wizer, this new love happens to be an ass-whooping alien named Denaria. A galactic bounty who has just recruited Evan into her. war.

Nai Chan's friends

  • newgirlcomic
  • ReincarnatedParano
  • jissai
  • Volte6
  • Chaz McRich

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