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member since June 06, 2017
The strip is "the clearest and most disturbing presentation of the angry estrangement of an American Bee to be brought to the internet for entertainment. It’s so simple in its delivery and it will go over your head if you’re not paying attention. But go ahead: Read it. It’s f*cking awesome.
©2021 Drew Gold Entertainment, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
©2021 Drew Gold Entertainment, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Comics By MotivationalHousecat
- Abstract |
- 901 pages |
- last: Dec. 4 2021 |
“His twisted humor mixed with uplifting messages are an oddity yet to be seen anywhere else. Each strip will have you laughing and gagging at the same time. But it’s not just the writing that makes them great. Drew's artistic talent is equally impressive.”- SJP, Q&A____
©2020 Drew Gold Entertainment, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Comics Assisted By MotivationalHousecat
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Comics Recomended By MotivationalHousecat
Kings Club Graphic Novel Volume 1: digital-first. An Italian mafia boss' daughter has to prove her skills during a clan war, while two hired agents of a multitask worldwide mercenary organization are looking for something called "The Joker" in her family. Genre: Conspiracy Thriller Pulp Neo Noir. Protagonist: Leading lady. Twice a week!
Savannah is a cat and she runs away from home to go on little cat adventures:3 (Updates: Monday and Thursday)
Two cats to the rescue! That's it:)
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