member since February 02, 2008
Comics By MechaZeep
No comics.
Comics Assisted By MechaZeep
No comics.
Comics Recomended By MechaZeep
all of dragonballz characters fight in a super smash tournament.
Comic about two dudes. It's dead now though, and it's very unlikely to ever make another appearance.
A sprite comic about strange things, talking little creatures and how Kirby (a pink ball with legs and a BIG MOUTH) and his pal, Wheelie (a talking wheel) prepares to face "evil"
A Mysterious Virus Breaks out, and the infected Mutate. Stickman, and Bob are caught up in the middle of a Viral outbreak, with not long to go until the area is "cleansed" . Will they survive the virus, and more importantly, the night?
He IS da' Teach! YO!
this is a test, but it could be more! (perhaps)
Old video game characters (Such as the Bubble Bobble dinosaurs) are jealous of Nintendo's mascot, Mario, and form an Anti-Nintendo club. They try to completely wipe out every popular Nintendo character (Such as Mario, Link, Kirby, and Star Fox)!
Its about a caveman called Thog and what happens when he runs into some aliens...
MechaZeep's friends
forum topics started
Videos Shared By MechaZeep
No videos.
Black Daisy at 1:25PM, April 24, 2008
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww! U recommended my comic! I tahnk u!
Super Rage at 7:32AM, April 24, 2008
thanks for the add mechazeep
Black Daisy at 5:58AM, April 14, 2008
Kick ass, I'm a friend! Yo Zeep, That's the end. Enjoy!
Chaz McRich at 3:59PM, April 7, 2008
There's always room for Jello!
Chaz McRich at 3:41PM, April 7, 2008
You forgot to post a link to your submission.
Chaz McRich at 7:51PM, March 12, 2008
Hi to you!
Chaz McRich at 3:05PM, March 10, 2008
Thanks for the add chum!