Public Profile


member since April 04, 2006


M.Organ has been posting cartoons on the web since 2000. He is also the writer of a comic book story that was published in Milk #48 by Radio Comix in 2005.

Comics By MOrgan

  • Fantasy |
  • 807 pages |
  • last: Dec. 22 2024 |
Adults Only!!! The cartoons of M.Organ generally feature nudity, sometimes sex, & occasionally bad language! Other than that they try to be funny, if a bit strange. Tries to update on Sundays
  • Fantasy |
  • 101 pages |
  • last: Aug. 26 2024 |
Adults Only! Random art stuff related to M.Organ Art, such as character sketches, colorings, collaborations, fanart, etc.

Comics Assisted By MOrgan

No comics.

Comics Recomended By MOrgan

No recommended comics.

MOrgan's friends

Videos Shared By MOrgan

No videos.




Warpedwenger at 5:28PM, Nov. 2, 2008

Thanks for readin' through Fenic and for the add!

shino at 12:26PM, Feb. 19, 2008

thanks buddy ^w^ your cute!

Locoma at 7:00AM, Dec. 15, 2007

how come you weren't in my friends list? fix'd! :D

Mylar at 5:52PM, Oct. 18, 2007

I enjoy your art and humor quite a bit. Keep up the good comix! :)

Toshubi at 1:20AM, June 27, 2007

You truely are an amazing artist! I don't know how you can draw so much in so little time!

Ozoneocean at 10:28PM, April 26, 2007

My favourite nose headed bowling pin!

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