Public Profile


member since February 02, 2008


Hello all,Im a fan of Sci-Fi,Comedy and anime/manga and will be working on various comics when I have time. I work full-time as a teacher…so the updates for the comics that are still alive will be sporadic but they will come.
hopefully I can make some friends on here &^^. I recently returned from a long hiatus to work on my Disgaea sprite comic again! Here's hoping it keeps going. I will “Plan” to update every Monday for Disgaea but it all depends on real life.

Comics By Kyotita

  • Fantasy |
  • 18 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
Eggman,using his grandfathers research for the shadow project,creates his own ultimate lifeform. Will sonic be defeated? this story will combine occasional comedy and seriousness (Many custom sprites(including Eggman himself) created by me will appear)
  • Fantasy |
  • 47 pages |
  • last: July 3 2017 |
All your favorite characters from the Disgaea universe come face to face with the new all powerful overlord in town. Updates on Monday's unless something comes up. all original NIS chars are copyright of well....NIS as for any customs...concepts (c) of Kyotita. I have rated M for language and bloody imagery.

Comics Assisted By Kyotita

No comics.

Comics Recomended By Kyotita

A medieval knight and a Japanese ninja are forced to share an apartment in modern America. Can they achieve their missions without destroying each other?

A dark shadow has fallen upon the world of Tymaera and evil stalks the land. Question is, are a cursed black dragon, an Undead werewolf and a half-fay exile capable of turning back this darkness when they're haunted by shadows of their own making?

Medusa is five years old. Her mom is a giant snake. She comes froma magical land. Now she lives with Jake. Updates Monday and Friday!

Kyotita's friends

  • Volte6
  • Chaz McRich
  • DAJB
  • poonipoonz
  • link v2
  • dragon Shraa_tak
  • DSNG
  • Black Daisy
  • Ettie
  • becca9901

forum topics started

Videos Shared By Kyotita

No videos.


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