Public Profile


member since October 10, 2006


Hello! My name is Knave Murdok! Will you be new new friend?

Knave Murdok is an educational multimedia experience for children, join Knave on his adventures as he stumbles blindly through the impossible shapes of Hades! What fun! You can learn a lot from Knave as he suffers endlessly for his sins in a Hell of his own making, and is driven mad struggling between psychosis and enlightenment.

On occasion, it seems as if this were a dream, but I have not yet awoken.

Its my belief that theres nothing in the world thats so sacred that we cant laugh at it. If we lose our sense of humour, theres no way well ever move forward as a culture and a society. It is our duty to push the envelope further and further with each passing generation. If we are not doing that, then there is really no point at all to civilization.

Some might mistake that for the rhetoric of an anarchist, but nothing could be further from the truth. I am in fact a very devout believer in God, or whatever name you wish to associate with this higher power. I believe that we were given free will by this benevolent creator, and that it would be an insult to that gift to not utilize it to its fullest.

How vexatious might this truly be?

I am Dead, Worship me.

NO ONE takes first passage over KNAVE MURDOK!
I hold DOMINION over you all!

You will know me as the man who shot William H. Macy

Am I joking? Hahahaha!!! Who knows?

I go over a lot of dumb peoples heads. If you dont get it, thats nothing to be ashamed of, you big dummy.

I can hear you breathing, you pervert!

Comics By KnaveMurdok

  • Fantasy |
  • 32 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
  • 1 like
Dave, a scraggly, old, and seemingly immortal alley cat tells the reader an arrangement of hilarious stories about having been involved in the local music scene when he was growing up. Based on the true life tales of growing up in CBGB's New York
  • Fantasy |
  • 10 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
  • 1 like
The second volume of Dave's escapades! Watch as he struggles to sneak into a sold out concert, heckles aged rock stars, share an apartment with an experimental indie band, and cross paths with a girl obsessed with a certain cartoonist ;-)

Comics Assisted By KnaveMurdok

No comics.

Comics Recomended By KnaveMurdok

No recommended comics.

KnaveMurdok's friends

  • ayesinback
  • Genejoke
  • Volte6
  • wildcard

Videos Shared By KnaveMurdok

No videos.




wildcard at 11:37AM, Feb. 2, 2011

Cool, shall look forward to it =)

wildcard at 6:12AM, Feb. 1, 2011

No worries mate! Dave TPRC was an enjoyable read throughout, so the thanks are all mine :)

ayesinback at 5:23AM, Dec. 8, 2010

THANKS, for THE ADD, Mister CAPS :)

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